In FotoFinish Studio and FotoFinish Suite, creating a new image gives you a clean palette for your graphics projects.
You can create a new image using the New tool on the toolbar, or by
selecting the Create New Image button from the Home Panel in the
Wizard Window. You can also choose New
Image from the File menu. In all cases, the Create New Image
dialog will appear.
Create New Image dialog
Here you can specify the size, background color, resolution, color depth, and, in the FotoFinish Studio Edition, the transparency of the new image.
By default, the resolution is set to 100 DPI. You can type in a different resolution or choose one from the drop-down list. DPI stands for dots (or pixels) per inch. This number is important for printing images because resolution will affect the quality of your print. A high DPI means that the image will be clearer and sharper when printed. You can learn more about resolution in Understanding Digital Images chapter.
By default the color is set to True Color (24-bit). FotoFinish requires True Color for some functions, so it’s best to leave this setting as it is unless you have a specific reason to change it. You can always reduce colors to optimize your image later.